
Jennifer Lynn
Studio Owner and Teacher
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Jennifer holds a B.A. in Math and Computer Science from San Jose State University and worked as an engineer for Hewlett Packard for many years.
She has also experimented with alternative lifestyles living for three years as an organic farmer growing her own food and reusing or recycling everything she purchased.
Jennifer believes we have the potential to live rich and comfortable lives without harming each other or the planet and it is our spiritual mandate to find new and creative ways to make this happen while serving our own joyful expression.

Diana De Piñeres, CIYT
Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher
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Diana trained under the tutelage of Advaita Vedanta and Vinyasa yoga teacher Sri Louise, and has been teaching yoga since 2003. In 2015 she began studying the transformative teachings of BKS Iyengar with Kay Huckabee. Diana now studies with her mentor, Senior Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher Holly Kostura, since 2017, and became a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher in 2023.
An Ayurvedic Practitioner Graduate of Mount Madonna College of Ayurveda, Diana also offers seasonal diet and lifestyle classes and cleanse programs (panchakarma). Yoga and Ayurveda have been essential in Diana’s growth and evolution as a woman, mother and human being. They have helped her heal chronic low back pain, and provided her with holistic awareness, strength, and resiliency. Her other loves are her surfing family, 4 pets, Colombian music, singing kirtan, freshwater streams, and the preciousness and potential of humanity and life.

Svetlana Sidilkovskaia
Fitness Teacher
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Svetlana Sidilkovskaia is a doctor of Physical Therapy, Yoga Therapist & Strength and Alignment Coach. She believes spinal health is key to optimal function and longevity. Our musculoskeletal system functions from the root structure of the spine.
Email Svetlana

Lauren Bell
Yoga Teacher - Retreat Chef
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Lauren is an environmental educator and a permaculture farmer. She deeply values connection and care of the earth, something she takes into her yoga practice and teachings. She spends her time teaching people how to tend the earth and curiously exploring the natural world around her. She believes that when we connect on a deeper level with nature, we connect on a deeper level to our higher selves, and vice versa. Yoga is a beautiful way of traveling a path of boundary-less connection with the world around us. This connection can create ripple effects of compassion around the world.
Lauren has always loved the intensity of sports and fitness, but found yoga while earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Geography and Sustainability at George Washington University. Yoga opened up a whole new world of healing, body movement and spirituality for her. In her practice, she finds joy in pushing herself out of her comfort zone to grow in body and mind, while also finding peace and clarity.
After a couple years of living on Maui, Lauren decided it was time to further her study of yoga and teaching. She earned her 200 hour YTT with Jennifer Lynn and feels blessed to share Wisdom Flow Yoga. Lauren loves empowering others to love themselves, enjoy an active lifestyle and live in harmony with nature.

Alison Beard
Conscious Dance Teacher
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Alison grew up in Jackson, Mississippi and from an early age was drawn to a variety of athletics that challenged her physical body. While attending her first conscious movement workshop, she was deeply inspired by the potential of movement and dance to support one’s human and spiritual journey of transformation. She is grateful to the lineages of healing that have informed her journey of embodiment along the way, including her trainings in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Biodynamic Cranial Approach, and Azul Conscious Movement. She aspires to continue this path by offering collective ritual dance space for the purposes of healing and inner transformation, for connecting to others, and for giving motion and expression to our human experience.

Karyne Daniels
Hula and Dance Teacher
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Karyne Daniels has 40 years experience within the entertainment industry as a dancer, teacher, and choreographer. With an eye for interpretation, presentation, and demonstration, Karyne offers her poetic expertise to every project she pursues.
As a Dancer, Karyne has performed extensively. A few of her credits include being a performer in Las Vegas, Reno, and Lake Tahoe; a featured dancer in the motion picture Dick Tracy with Madonna; a tango dancer in the movie My Blue Heaven with Steve Martin; A freestylist on the TV sitcom “Up All Night” feat. Patti La Belle; and was featured in the Maui Dance Festival 2018 & 2019. She is revered for her poignant solo performances which are emotional & otherworldly.

Kabba Anand
Open Floor Dance
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Having practiced acupuncture and traditional healing arts (including qigong) since 1981, Kabba specializes in trauma recovery, as well as hospice and palliative care.
In 2008 he danced with Gabrielle Roth and he says, “my life changed”.
Kabba’s lifelong love of dance, of deepening connection with body, heart, imagination and soul, was reborn. He is passionate about inclusion, making dance and therapeutic movement accessible to all, as well as the practice of moving with and including all of what we feel, struggle with, celebrate, and long for, in our dance.
Kabba is also a musician and writer who loves to meditate and practice yoga.

Tara Castleberry
Yin Yoga Teacher
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She is registered with the Yoga Alliance as a RYT-500 teacher and has completed trainings through her home yoga studios in Santa Cruz, CA. Over the years, she has studied and drawn inspiration from yoga and meditation teachers including Kenny Graham, Emily Perry, Sally Kempton, Paul Grilley, Darren Rhodes and Janet Stone.
Now a resident of Makawao, Tara is enjoying connecting with the upcountry community to share this transformative practice. Her teaching style focuses on linking breath with movement and guiding students through an alignment-based sequence that supports their ability to gain the maximum physical, emotional and spiritual benefits of each posture, by feeling into their own bodies and creating an inner peace they can tap into on or off the mat. Her flow classes are slow and strong, allowing students to attune to the wisdom inside each of them and make the practice their own. Her restorative and yin classes facilitate an experience of connecting with the heart to deeply nourish. It is important to Tara that all students have the opportunity to experience the magic of this ancient practice, regardless of the experiences, identities, or abilities they bring to class. She seeks to meet each individual where they are, to facilitate a safe and loving experience for all.
Outside of the studio, Tara works for a national nonprofit founded by teachers, that works at every level of the public school system to help partners achieve goals for students. She is also the founder of Healthy Buzz LLC., which offers programming and workshops that introduce adolescents to self-care practices and tools to support their development of healthy habits in the coming-of-age years. Off the mat, Tara is nurtured by spending time in nature with her pup and enjoying all things ocean, hiking, surfing and snowboarding.

Sarah Gray
Sound Ceremony Leader
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Sarah is a lover of liminal spaces. One of her favorite ways to explore the mystery is through the non-doingness of sound bathing. She believes that gathering as community in ceremony is one of the most reassuring and healthy practices we can share, and that sound baths are especially welcoming because or their nondenominational and wordless nature. She utilizes koshi chimes, crystal bowls, the rain drum, and a planetary gong as her primary tools in the sessions, and encourages people to wear and bring along what makes them most comfortable to settle in.

Jennifer Loftus
Divine Femine Dance
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Jennifer Loftus has training and experience in many different dance and movement modalities including jazz, modern, ballet, tap, Alexander Technique, and four belts in the Nia Technique which she has woven together to create a movement form for women called Divine Feminine Dance. With a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Music Education, she also offers Finding and Freeing Your Voice sessions and piano lessons to help people tap into the musician within. Her sound healing ceremonies incorporate alchemy singing crystal bowls for special events. She has her First- and Second-Degree Reiki certifications and incorporates this in all her work. She brings a compassionate heart to her classes, holding a safe space for authenticity, truth, inner wisdom, playfulness, fun…and healing. You can see more on her website…www.musicmovesthesoul.

Anna Maria Drotts
Yoga Teacher
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Lisa Cary
Somatics & Meditation Teacher
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Lisa Cary has been teaching Somatics for 23 years. She is highly trained, qualified and certified in Hanna Somatic Education, RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy, Hypnotherapy, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).
Her passion is assisting others to heal using a wholistic approach to health which includes the integration of body, mind and Spirit.
She has taught workshops and retreats in Somatic Intelligence offering her students the educational and experiential guidance to awaken their own innate healing capacities.
Lisa has a strong background in neurophysiology, nervous system regulation and a comprehensive knowledge of body movement and the mind/body connection.
She practices an “Inside-Out” approach to healing and has helped hundreds of people with pain, injury, illness and emotional suffering to heal themselves. She customizes every session to meet the needs of her clients utilizing powerful transformative tools such as Somatics, RTT, EFT and Clear Belief Coaching. Over 32 years of private practice and her own 7 year painful struggle with chronic sciatica she knows first hand that true healing comes from an inner transformation which includes going to the root cause of the issue and becoming conscious of it. Once it has been brought to light in consciousness it can be re-patterned in the brain and nervous system for lasting change. She guides others to find their own Inner Healer by accessing the wisdom within the subconscious mind and re-patterning the body/mind.

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Visit Us!
Wisdom Flow Studio
95 Makawao Ave
Pukalani, Hawaii 96768