Planting trees on the leeward side of Haleakala changed my life forever. Standing on the mountain top with a group of volunteers who gave up their Saturday to chip away at rocky soil and tenderly plant baby trees filled my heart with hope. Andrea Buckman’s Leeward Haleakala Watershed Restoration Partnership is healing a deep wound on our beloved island, and she invites each of us to be part of this heroic project. Over one hundred years ago, European colonists clear cut the Koa and Sandalwood forest on the leeward side of Haleakala. Soon after, they introduced cattle to the mountain and the forest never had a chance to grow back. The deforestation changed the weather patterns on the island and devastated wildlife habitat. Kihei and Wailea – once lush areas – became dry and desert-like. The cycles of rain and watershed were diminished and the natural abundance of the island was disrupted. Biologists and environmental activists like Andrea Buckman are dedicating their lives to healing this transgression. We are blessed to have such a powerful agent of positive change on Maui.
Part of the yoga path involves service to our communities; that includes service to our Motherland. This devotion to service is called Seva. The word “Seva” is a Sanskrit word meaning “service.” It is an expression of compassion for others and a genuine desire to create unity and heal collective wounds. You may not have the time or ability to join a volunteer group and physically plant trees, but you can help by donating some of your abundance to the island. You know, the island that gives us so much beauty joy and abundance? Donating to Uhiwai O Haleakala means your offering goes directly to the elements of getting trees into the ground and supporting their growth to sustainable fullness. You will breathe more freely and feel your own goodness more deeply when you support this Maui reforestation project. Once the pandemic is passed Wisdom Flow Yoga retreats and teacher trainings will include “Seva Adventures” that help support Uhiwai O Haleakala
Did you know that half your pulmonary system lives in the trees? It is true. What trees breathe out we breathe in what we exhale the trees inhale. Did you know that walking in thick forest can populate your microbiome more than taking probiotic supplements? When you support reforestation you are supporting your own health and the health of children and their children. Not only do forests support human health they are essential to the health and balance on the planet; including the way water cycles on the planet. You may have noticed Andrea’s foundation is a “watershed restoration partnership”. There is a direct connection between healthy forests and the abundance of fresh water in an ecosystem. Nature-based peoples often called the forests “cloud catchers”; they saw clearly how the clouds accumulated over thick forest as if the trees were holding them in position to receive the rain. They understood how the vast root systems of the forests create micro aquifers that hold the water deep in the soil allowing it to be distributed evenly and move deep into larger aquifers. The trees help manage the cycle of water from ocean to sky; from sky to earth back to ocean. When you support reforestation you also support abundant water supply for our precious island.I WANT TO BE PART OF MAUI REFORESTATION
The island deeply appreciates your caring and support. The future children appreciate your caring and support. Om Shanti.