pretzel-yogaDid you know that when a patient is put under general anesthesia, no matter how stiff they are in waking life, they become super supple and bendy?  That’s right, under anesthesia, you could easily fold into any yoga pose!  But when the anesthesia wears off, the brain-body patterns return and the patient walks out of the hospital as stiff as when they arrived.  What does this tell us about ourselves?  What does this have to do with yoga?

Adjusting-Triangle-poseFirst it shows clearly that the mind is regulating the body.  Our background mental patterns deeply affect our bio-mechanics and our physiology.  The second thing this story tells us is that change must be made consciously.  In other words, we must deliberately change the brain-body connection in order to make lasting change – healing change in the body.  This is the power of Hatha yoga.   There are numerous medical and scientific studies clearly showing the benefits of yoga for healing anxiety, arthritis, back pain, and more.  Patricia Pace offers Hatha Yoga Tuesday and Thursday 10:30AM

Hatha-Yoga-IconHatha Yoga is a careful precise approach using props to support and to deepen the poses.  Poses are held for longer periods with deep conscious breathing so the brain and body have time to form a new connection. Yoga develops inner awareness. It focuses your attention on your body’s abilities at the present moment. It helps develop breath and strength of mind and body. It’s not about physical appearance.

Patricia-Pace-PortPatricia Pace is a current 500 hour Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher through Wisdom Flow Yoga.  She began her career in Yoga in 1975 when she was initiated as a Hatha yoga teacher through The Integral Yoga Institute under the guidance of Sri Swami Satchidananda.  She began teaching yoga at the age of 18 and, by many of her students’ recommendations, went on to become a licensed massage therapist and holistic health practitioner.  Patricia immersed herself in the study of alignment work under the direction of several senior teachers in the Iyengar Tradition for over 24 years.  Her combination of early spiritual/devotional practices, massage and human movement studies and Iyengar discipline is apparent in her sensitive, intuitive and sharp minded approach to teaching.  She has taught in New York, San Diego, Europe and Hawaii where she has lived for over 20 years, working in the massage field as well as teaching classes and leading yoga retreats.  Email Patricia for more information