Life is a game of five elements; earth, water, fire, air, and ether.  All the complexity of our bodies and lives rise from these five basic ingredients.  They are not just physical ingredients.  Each element holds a specific vibration, and energy that has clear purpose in our bodies and lives.  The more we awaken to the elemental energies within and around us, the more can masterfully blend them to consciously create the alchemy of a full balanced life.

Earth is related to the element Carbon and the hexahedron or cube. Earth energy is solid, stable, calming, grounding. A person with strong earth energy is one who shows up consistently, is true to their word, and holds strong to principles even when challenged. Too much strong earth energy can express as stubbornness or lethargy. In yoga poses, earth energy is felt through grounded feet, muscle hugging bone in strong legs, and a solid hug of the mid-line. Earth energy in daily choices shows up as slow deliberation and sometimes resistance to change. Can you sense where in your body or your life you could use more earth energy?


Water is related to the Hydrogen molecule and the icosahedron shape (20 triangle faces). Water represents adaptability, flow, and distribution. Water can be still and calm, or thunderous and strong. Water flows with quiet strength. Over time, a consistent gentle flow of water can reshape granite. Water energy shows up in our lives as grace and adaptability. Strong water energy brings a trust in the flow of life. Water energy shows up in asana as the spiraling energies in the limbs and the wave-like motions of the spine. Too much water energy can express as wishy-washy uncertainty and lack of clear direction.


Fire is related to the molecule nitrogen and the tetrahedron shape (pyramid). Fire represents transformation; burning through the old to clear pathways and create something new. The element fire epxreses as passion, clarity and determination. Too much fire can show up as judgement, anger and even violence. In asana, the fire element is found in the actions of the bandhas and the core muscles. It is also the tapas that keeps us coming back to the mat to face the challenges of our bodies and minds again and again; cleaning and clearing and inviting self-transformation.


The element Air is related to the molecule Oxygen and the Octehedron shape. Air is the energy of higher intelligence, zooming out to see the bigger picture. Air is pervasive, it is everywhere. When we understand how the patterns in our asanas reflect the patterns in our relationships and lives, we are evoking the air element. The air element is expressed in asana through deep rhythmic breath and the reach outward of the fingers, toes and crown. Too much air energy might express as over-thinking, over analyzing, and over complicating simple things.


The Ether element is related to the Calcium molecule and the dodecahedron shape. Ether is the living space that all manifestation rises from and lives within. Ether is what the Hawaiian’s call the aka field, and the Hindus call Nada Bramha. The ether element shows up as fearlessness based on a true understanding of our eternal soul. Ether element evokes our visionary qualities that are willing to dream beyond current conditions. The ether element shows up in our asana as the intention to to use our practice to be in loving service to our highest and those around us. Too much ether energy makes it difficult to ground our dream in practical application.