the Zen of Jen

Sun and Moon Channels

The yoga sutras are written in code.  It is up to the practitioner to decode them.  Patanjali is not trying to be secretive or obtuse,  He is teaching us that direct experience is the only true teacher.  So he gives us just enough to point us in the right direction...

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Channels of Light – How Yoga Works

Perhaps you've noticed that some people try yoga and it works wonderfully.  Their bodies become lean, strong, and supple. Their minds calm and clear, their emotions steady and even.  They are kind and compassionate and yoga becomes a life-long path.  But for others...

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Sutras I.3 and I.4 – Thinker or Thoughts

The sutras build on each other so we must review sutras I.1 and I.2 in order to better understand 3 and 4.  Sutra I.1 says "and now... yoga" suggesting that we've likely tried many other pathways to find ourselves and all have eventually fallen short.  So now, we turn...

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Corona Virus – Host and Virus Making Peace

This blog is my take from my teacher Sadhguru's talk on the Corona Virus... The web of life is complex and layered.  Life forms enmeshed within life forms, chains of interdependence, symbiotic harmony is everywhere.  Have you seen the egrets riding on the backs of...

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Shiva and Shakti – Dance of the Unseen and Seen

Often we take the miracle of life for granted.  Where did all this life come from?  How is it that these unique streams of energy formed into humans, flowers, fish, trees, oceans, puppies etc.?  How is it that the universe pulses with the most grand harmony and...

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Unbroken Chain – DNA – the Web of Connectivity

Planets are spinning in perfect proximity (no small task), your body makes millions of new red blood cells every minute, a forest  thrives for millions of years - all this without human intervention.  In fact, we tend to get in the way of this existential intelligence...

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Pratyahara – the Journey Inward

We never see anything in its totality. When you look at the back of your hand, your palm is hidden. when you look up at the sky, you are not seeing the ground. Beyond simple planes of sight, our sensory awareness is also limited because the depth of layered vibration...

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Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras – I.1 and I.2

Many say these first two yoga sutras are the seed of all other sutras.  They are simple yet deep.  Describing them in accessible terms can sometimes help us receive their profundity. Here is our attempt to do that. Sutra 1.1 - atha yoga anushasanam - and now... yoga...

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Nada Brahma – the Vibratory Field of Creation

When you think of an explosion, do you think more of chaos or order?  Explosions are chaotic, right?  And yet, the big bang - the biggest explosion ever - is expanding in profound order.  What does this mean?  Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science agree that the...

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Live Stream Classes – How does it Work?

Shelter-at-Home does not mean we are sedentary.  Make this a month a time to commit to daily yoga. Wisdom Flow Yoga makes it easy by offering live-stream yoga and fitness classes.  You can still practice with your friends - they just won't see when you fall out of...

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The Eight Limbs of Yoga

Ashtanga means eight limbs;  Ashta - eight, anga - limb.  The eight limbs of Yoga can be seen as a journey from the outer to the inner.   They can also be viewed as a pathway to understanding how our many layers of being relate to and effect each other.  The eight...

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Yoga in Maui Classes and Retreats offered by Wisdom Flow Yoga

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Wisdom Flow Studio
95 Makawao Ave
Pukalani, Hawaii 96768
