the Zen of Jen
Wisdom Flow Yoga Class Prices
Full Access Passes Drop in $25 5-class pass $95 $19 per class 10-class pass $185 $18.50 per class 20-class pass $350 $17.50 per class 50-class pass $750 $15 per class Monthly Membership $220 - up to 20 classes in a 30-day period Annual...
Create your Yogi Account with Wisdom Flow Yoga
Click here to create your Yogi account with Wisdom Flow Yoga. You will receive a confirmation email titled "Welcome to Wisdom Flow Yoga" the sender will be "Wisdom Flow Yoga". It may show up in your junk folder; be sure to check. You must click the link in the...
Ho’oponopono – Inner Harmony, Outer Harmony
The word Ho'oponopono breaks down into three parts; Ho'o meaning to make or to be like, Pono meaning harmony, and then Pono again, meaning harmony. So what does it mean to make harmony harmony? One might say the idea is to make harmony outside of us by making harmony...
Some Circles Need Breaking
Have you ever felt sucked into a negative cycle that feeds on itself? Someone is mean to you and you have a defensive knee-jerk reaction and you are mean back. The anger intensifies on both sides until a circle of misery begins to flow. Each person is sure the...
Mind Gardening – Work at the Level of Seeds
Look around you right now; the room you are in, the clothes you are wearing, the shape of your body, the places you dwell, how did this all come to be? Consider the relationships of your life as they are now. Consider your bank account. They did not suddenly appear...
Yantra – Blueprints for Manifestation
Yantra literally means tool or form. It is a symbol that helps us understand how energy becomes form so we can participate more consciously in the unfolding of our physical life. All form rises from unseen energy. There are layers of manifestation that energy moves...
Hara means Belly in Japanese but also Much More
Translated from Japanese Hara simply means belly, but Hara refers to gut instinct and is related to the first and second chakras. Just like chakras, Hara is an energy center that relates to the enteric nerve plexus in the lower abdomen. When we think of saying like,...
Akasha – Living Ether – Are you Tuned in?
A man got his face smashed in a car crash. Doctor's used his ear cartilage to reconstruct the nose, but over the years, the nose would grow back toward the shape of the ear. He had to have his nose redone every few years. How did that tissue know it was meant to be an...
Silent Sitting – Cleaning Clearing
Modern science has shown very clearly that all form rises from a shared energy field. Whether you call this field God, Shiva, or Dark Energy matters not. It is the invisible vibrational source of all we experience. It is the web that connects us to all life and our...
Inner and Outer Winds – Breath and Prana
The most powerful and accessible tool we have to transform our lives is our breath. In the book How Yoga Works, the yoga teacher Friday tells her first student, "If there is anything about our outside physical body that most affects the inner winds [flow of life...
Rising Pandemics? – Let’s get to the Root of this
A decade ago, Dr. Greger gave a talk called "How to treat the cause by preventing the emergence of pandemic viruses in the first place". Dr. Greger gave this talk when he was Public Health Director at the HSUS in Washington DC. In this talk, Dr. Greger shares the...
Live Stream Classes – Set up ZOOM and Join us
Shelter-at-Home does not mean we are sedentary. Make this a month a time to commit to daily yoga. Wisdom Flow Yoga makes it easy by offering live-stream yoga EVERYDAY three times a day! We use the ZOOM video conferencing software We offer live THREE stream classes...
Teacher Trainings
Visit Us!
Wisdom Flow Studio
95 Makawao Ave
Pukalani, Hawaii 96768