Activate the Bandhas

in your Hands & Feet

a yoga workshop with Jennifer Lynn

Saturday April 27th, 2024

1:00-3:00 PM

Learn to direct the prana flow from hands to heart & feet to core

Join in-person or ZOOM in



All Levels Welcome

Physical and Mental Form Follows the Flow of Energy. Master Energy Flow and you will Master Body and Mind

Bandhas are methods for moving energy deliberately. Most of the western world has misinterpreted the word Bandha to mean "lock". Bandha does NOT mean lock. We hear phrases like "Use Mula Bandha to hold energy in the pelvic floor" or "Lock your energy into the core with Uddiyana Bandha". This old misunderstanding has gone unchecked and it is time we learn the true meaning and the true power of activating our bandhas. It was actually the English word "loch" that was meant to describe the Sanskrit word "bandha". The word "loch" sounds like "lock" but the meaning is completely different. A loch is a large aquatic channel, natural or man made, that directs the flow of water; often into and through agricultural fields. Like water, life force energy flows. Nothing can stop it. But we can misdirect it or ignore it. Some of us are called to awaken to our life force energy and take responsibility for directing it with more intent and clarity. Activating our bandhas helps us do just that. In this workshop, you will discover bandha pathways and learn to activate bandhas in asana, pranayama, meditation, and daily living.

Workshop Highlights...

  • Review the three middle channel bandhas: Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, Jalandhara Bandha activate the pulse of electric energy along the mid line and electromagnetic energy around the periphery.
  • Learn Jiva Bandha: Jiva Bandha is designed to open the channel between heart and head allowing the intelligence of the heart to lead, and the logic of the head to architech manifestations of the heart's purest desires.
  • Hasta Bandha: Hasta means "hand" and Bandha means "a method for moving energy". Hasta Bandha is a method for moving energy through the hands, up the arms, and into the power of the upper back (the heart).
  • Pada Bandha: Pada means "foot" and BAndha means "a method for moving energy". Pada Bandha is a method for moving clear beneficial energy from the feet, up the legs and into the pelvic floor. This connect leg/foot energy to our power center.
  • Breath and Energy Movement: Bandhas with Pranayama (breathing practices) increase the flow of life force energy within our bodies and make it available to the visionary mind. When clear feeling tones and inner images are charged with pure energy for as little as 20 seconds, a sustained energetic imprint is transmitted into the field. We will learn a breathing practice where bandhas are used to blend consciousness and energy to influence future realities.

Meet Your Teacher

Jennifer Lynn - ERYT 1000 and founder of Wisdom Flow Yoga School, Jennifer was raised by nature-loving parents. She learned early on that the wisdom and glory of the divine are alive in nature, and we would be wise to follow the wisdom of nature in all we do. After a battle with level 4 cancer at age 28, Jennifer radically changed her life priorities and started a path of karmic clearing and joyful growth. Her first yoga class brought a profound out-of-body experience that awakened her sleeping soul. She has been on a path to share the gift of self-realization through yoga ever since. Jennifer believes it is through the reverant exploration of our brilliant bodies that we discover our divine roots. Jennifer has taken over 2000 hours of trainings and workshops with masters like Richard Freeman, John Friend, and Desiree Rumbaugh. In the Wisdom Flow Yoga Teacher Trainings Jennifer teaches alignment principles based on the sacred geometry of the body and sees our practice as a means to align more deeply with body, planet, cosmos and Love.

Wisdom Flow Yoga Studio

95 Makawao, Ave. Suite 202

Makawao, HI 96768

More about Wisdom Flow Yoga

Wisdom Flow Yoga was founded in 2007 by Jennifer Lynn. With an engineering background, Jennifer appreciated the inner engineering outlined in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. The Wisdom Flow style blends precise physical and mental alignment with free and joyful flow of spirit through the asanas. Structure must align with the divine laws of nature in order to be strong and sustainable, yet too much dogma can pinch off the organic flow of joyful growth. Wisdom Flow Yoga embodies a balance of precise alignments and core-centered movement with a playful dynamic flow that keeps the pathways clean, clear and strong, and the song of the heart coming through. Our classes and trainings offer a set of elegant alignment principles based on the sacred geometry of the human body. We learn to balance these principles in all poses. We learn to ride the flow of breath as the vehicle of awareness to keep us revealing and sharing deeper layers of our true nature. Wisdom Flow Yoga embraces all expressions of love that rise from inclusion, compassion and unity.