I have always been of the mind that anything you do often should be fun. Fun fitness it the new wave. Look at Zumba, ‘cize, U-Jam and Soul Stepping… they are going gangbusters and people are not only losing weight and getting fit but they are having a great time and meeting new friends. I am proud to announce that Wisdom Flow Studio will be hosting a new style of Dance Fitness called OULA. Katie Hearl will be teaching on Wednesdays 7-8PM and Fridays 5-6PM. During the month of August her classes are FREE! Check it out. I will be there getting hooked on fun fitness.
OULA is a high-energy, ridiculously fun Top 40s dance workout. It’s all about how it feels, not how it looks! Participants are able to dance without judgement and let go of the world outside for an hour. OULA gives people a place to let it all out: be goofy, silly, sexy, fierce, confident, beautiful, strong, and most importantly, be themselves. OULA is for everyone, no matter what age, skill level, ability, or background. OULA is unique in the fact that there is a new song that comes out every week, keeping things fresh and fun. Another unique characteristic is that OULA choreography is consistent in every class, no matter where you are in the world or who your instructor is. Come and experience the OULA magic for yourself! OULA is for you!