Use this map to navigate the online YTT curriculum slides
Day 1 Morning
Eight Limbs overview, Balanced Action, Middle Way, Four Corners of the Torso – Alignment Foundations
Day 1 Afternoon
Overview of teaching techniques, basic voicing, sensible sequencing, prop management overview, breath cues, overview, alignment cues, Ujjayi breath instructions, practice teaching Ujjayi breathing and warm up sequence part one from Vinyasa class.
Day 2 Morning
Path of responsibility – Empowerment means we are better able to respond, Planes of Motion, Types of Muscle Action, Using Four corners alignment awareness in Vinyasa
Day 2 Afternoon
Managing your classroom, greeting students, organizing students and mats, the way you start sets the tone, offering intentions, addressing injury and limitation, practice teaching warm up sequence part two of Vinyasa class
Day 3 Morning
Diaphragmatic Breathing, Bandhas, Spanda – Cosmic Pulsation, Manifesting and Liberating Currents, Four Corners Alignments in Standing Poses
Day 3 Afternoon
Surya Namaskar – Integrating Solar Energies, Spanda within Asana, practice teaching Surya A and Surya B sequences. variation within Surya Namaskar sequences, yogic push ups, holding plank for core work, cobra pulses, practice teaching Surya Namaskar section of Vinyasa class
Day 4 Morning
The power of discipline, Yamas, landmarks of spinal alignment, get to know your Inter-Vertebral discs, Basic Spinal motions, maintaining spinal integrity in Asana
Day 4 Afternoon
Learning to orient yourself in the classroom, the student’s changing field of vision, clear transition talk, teaching standing poses. Voicing to encourage awareness in held poses, practice teaching side-facing standing poses in VInyasa class.
Day 5 Morning
Personal Observances – Niyamas, Nadis – Energy Channels, Pranayama, Fire Breath, Sun-Moon Breath, Becoming gardeners of our mind, Overview of Abdominal muscles (front core)
Day 5 Afternoon
Deeper dive into core work, poses to awaken the core, what is functional core strength, using the core to support inversions, teaching inversions to beginners, practice teaching core sequences and inversion foundations, practice teaching the core work and inversion prep sequence of the Vinyasa class.
Day 6 Morning
Ahimsa – active practice of loving kindness, Body polarity – your south pole and north pole, Electro-Magnetic fields, You are a magnet, Bandha and Breath increase current, your Central Nervous System (CNS), Para-spinal muscles (Back Core)
Day 6 Afternoon
Balancing the front and back bodies – addressing belly dumping and hunch back habits, the power of the mid-line 2.0, Deeper alignment principles – the loops, the power of the toe tops, drishti, teaching standing balance poses, practice teaching table top arda chandra and vrksasana
Day 7 Morning
Satya – living and speaking our truth, The definition of Optimal Alignment, Intro to the Shoulder Joint, your mind is in every cell, Akashic Field – the mind of God, The fifth limb – Pratyahara – feel your way inward, Muscles of the shoulder girdle
Day 7 Afternoon
Introduction to refined voicing techniques, creating pockets of silence, Spanda statements – evoking dynamic awareness in still poses, guiding clear transitions, practice teaching hip opener sequence from Vinyasa class
Day 8 Morning
Asteya – Giving and Receiving in balance, Hasta Bandha – energy channels of the hands, communication between core and periphery, Pada Bandha – energy channels in the feet. Power of the mid-line
Day 8 Afternoon
What is functional core strength?, how to use core strength in back bends, more voicing techniques – bridge statements, sensible sequencing to prepare bodies for deep back bending, practice teaching thigh openers and back bends and supported shoulder stand from Vinyasa class
Day 9 Morning
Bramhacharya – sexual purity, Shakti waves, cycles of creation and dissolution, Introduction to the alignment of the pelvis, Relation between pelvis and spine, quadriceps and hamstrings and their affect on pelvic alignment which affects spinal alignment.
Day 9 Afternoon
Differing styles of yoga and their underlying matrix, Energy Spirals, subtle alignments – the spirals in the arms, revisit Hasta Bandha to connect energy of the hands to the spirals in the arms. Practice teaching opening sequence for a Hatha class.
Day 10 Morning
Aparigraha – non-grasping (trust divine justice) – hold on loosely but don’t let go, the five elements, elemental energies in asana, four levels of mind
Day 10 Afternoon
Spirals in the legs and hips, revisiting pada bandha and connecting the energy channels in the feet to spiral action of the legs and hips, practice teaching sequence two of Hatha yoga class.
Day 11 Morning
Saucha – cleanliness and order, Heart Coherence, Chakras, Neck alignment, Neck as the bridge between heart and head, the vagus nerve, anterior head carriage
Day 11 Afternoon
Explore alignment cues using spirals of the Limbs within Asana, teaching poses at the wall, practice teaching third section of Hatha yoga class, begin designing your final project (the class you will teach)
Day 12 Morning
Santosha – contentment, acceptance, satisfaction, the Koshas, the shoulder’s rotator cuff group
Day 12 Afternoon
Three levels of reality, our multi-layered being-ness, revisiting our inter-vertebral discs and the nerves that flow around them, how do we keep our discs from putting pressure on our nerves?, the power of Salabasana to keep our discs decompressed, the “cosmic head rest” visualization for neck alignment, bow pose, camel pose, practice teaching the part four of the Hatha yoga class
Day 13 Morning
Tapas – passion and clarity, Karma – what is it really?, Ho’oponopono – gratitude, forgiveness and return to innocence, exploring seated poses
Day 13 Afternoon
Halasana – plow pose, honoring the neck in plow, shoulder stand and fish sequence, elements of savasana, practice teaching the last part of the Hatha yoga class
Day 14 Morning
Svadyaya – self-study, Ishvarapranidhana – surrender to divine order, Sadhana – the three elements of soul growth, supine and prone poses,
Day 14 Afternoon
Using props wisely and compassionately, offering hands-on adjustments, designing your final project class, practice teaching your final class.
Day 15 Morning
Review of the Eight Limbs of yoga, Ayurveda – the medicine path of yoga
Day 15 Afternoon
The business of teaching yoga, elements of insurance, certification, on-going education, offering privates, teaching at a studio, teaching ZOOM classes, marketing yourself, developing pricing and policies.